House Policy
Minx operates a safe and secure venue.
At Minx we diligently maintain a safe and secure venue. Minx operates legally within the laws of NSW and the Commonwealth of Australia.
Minx has additional house rules and policies to ensure the optimum ambiance is maintained for your comfort and enjoyment.
Our door policy, house rules, dress code and security are in place to maintain that caliber of patrons that would be expected to have access to such an exclusive venue.
Please read the items below for the details of our rules and policies.
Disorderly Behaviour - persons who are violent, quarrelsome or disorderly in their behaviour will be ejected or refused entry to the venue.
Dress Code - Minx reserves its legal right to refuse entry to any patron not deemed suited to its establishment
(a) this includes patrons not meeting our dress code of smart casual ( No shorts, No hats, No thongs.) Patrons must have tidy pants, clean shoes, and a collared shirt; polo shirts are acceptable
(b) any person associated with or wearing any clothing, jewellery or accessories linked with outlaw motorcycle gangs and/or organised crime gangs including their name, colours, patches, insignia or logo or the 1% or 1%'er symbol will be refused entry.
Illicit Drugs - Consumption, distribution or holding of illicit drugs on our premise is not allowed and discovery of such will lead to ejection from the venue.
Intoxication - Persons may be ejected or refused entry to the venue if they are intoxicated.
Leaving the Venue - We ask patrons to show respect to our neighbours by leaving the premise in a quiet and orderly fashion.
When a person is ejected or refused entry, they are required by law to leave the venue and move on at least 50 meters from the venue's immediate vicinity, not to re-enter or remain in the vicinity for 6 hours and not to re-enter the venue for 24 hours.(ref section 77 of the liquor Act 2007)
License - A person who behaves in a way that causes the venue to commit an offence under the liquor laws or its D.A. (development application) may be ejected or refused entry.
Smoking - Minx as with all clubs and venues in NSW is a non smoking establishment
Pass outs for readmission are available to patrons wishing to leave the venue for a cigarette and then return.
Solicitation - Solicitation for prostitution is not allowed on the premises of Minx.
Touching - As with all strip clubs in NSW, no touching of the dancers is allowed
Rohini Enterprises Pty Ltd Company Policy on Mandatory covid-19 vaccinations for all staff issued on 11th October 2021
Rohini Enterprises Pty Ltd (Rohini) has reviewed the risk that the Covid-19 pandemic has imposed on its workplace.
Workers and other persons at the workplace of Rohini have duties under the work health and safety act 2011 (NSW) (WHS Act), such as the duty to take reasonable care for their own health and safety at the workplace. This implies that there is an obligation in place for all workers, who are eligible to get vaccinated who attend work to be vaccinated.
Rohini, being constituted as a “Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking” (PCBU) for the purposes of the WHS Act, must ensure so far as reasonably practicable the Health and Safety of:
· Workers engaged or caused to be engaged by Rohini; and
· Workers whose activities in carrying out the work are influenced or directed by Rohini Enterprises while the workers are at work in the business
Rohini has considered the advice on the covid-19 pandemic from:
· NSW State Government
· Australian Federal Government
· The Doherty Institute Modelling Report to advise on the National Plan to transition Australia's National COVID Response
All advice indicates that the COVID-19 cases in the community will increase as the “stay at home” orders are eased as part of the Public Health (COVID-19 Additional Restrictions for Delta Outbreak) Order (No 2) 2021.
Consequently, people who are participating in work where there is interaction or likely interaction between employees and other people such as customers, other employees or the public in the normal course of employment, with the expected increased numbers of COVID-19 cases in the community, there is a significant risk to staff contracting COVID-19 at work.
With the increased risk that Covid-19 will have on the health and safety of workers in the workplace, Rohini has conducted a review of the existing work, health and safety plan that includes a risk assessment, work health & safety action plan and risk register to help mitigate as much as possible the imminent danger from the threat of exposure to the Covid-19 virus.
In accordance with part 3.1 of the WHS regulations and because from a practical perspective complete elimination of the risk is not practical in the customer-facing hospitality industry, consequently mandating vaccination of Rohini workers is seen as an absolute priority as an engineering control to reduce the risk of covid-19 in the workplace of Rohini.
After reasonable consideration and consultation, and in order for Rohini to discharge its obligations under the WHS Act being the person responsible for the work, health and safety of its employees, Rohini directs all staff to be fully vaccinated with a vaccine approved by The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) so that it can significantly mitigate the risk of contracting COVID-19 while at work.
Rohini requires its employees over the age of 16 to provide proof of vaccination from 1st December 2021, in order to attend any rostered work at the business of Rohini from that date. An exemption to this policy will be provided to those employees with a genuine medical exemption. As determined by NSW Chief Health Officer, employees who seek to rely upon a genuine medical exemption must provide a covid-19 Vaccine Medical Contradiction Form, certified by a registered medical practitioner.
Notice to all Licenced Independent Service Providers (ISP) licence to trade within the venue of Minx
Issued 11th October 2021
After reasonable consideration and consultation, and for Rohini Enterprises Pty Ltd (MINX) to discharge its obligations under the WHS Act where it must ensure so far as reasonably practicable the Health and Safety of:
· Workers engaged or caused to be engaged by MINX (including licenced independent service providers); and
· Workers whose activities are carryed out withing the business of Minx and while the workers are at work in the business of MINX (which includes those licenced independent service providers).
MINX now makes it a condition and term of your licence agreement that all licenced independent service providers are to be fully vaccinated with a vaccine approved by The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) so that it can significantly mitigate the risk of contracting COVID-19 while at operating under licence at the venue of MINX.
MINX requires licenced independent service providers to provide proof of vaccination on request from 11th October 2021, in order to attend any rostered work at the business of MINX. An exemption from 1st December 2021 to this term & condition will be provided to those licenced independent service providers with a genuine medical exemption. As determined by NSW Chief Health Officer, those who seek to rely upon a genuine medical exemption must provide a covid-19 Vaccine Medical Contradiction Form, certified by a registered medical practitioner.